Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Do you miss the 90s as much as I do?

They just don't make movies like they did in the 90s. Incredibly awkward fight scenes, retarded choice of weaponry, and stereotypical villains were rampant. It was a sort of alright time to watch movies. Not really great but they didn't all suck either.

I guess they might have learned a little something about realism since then. But it didn't matter in the 90s.

Anyway check out this fight scene. It was either the greatest or worst thing I have ever seen. I'm not really sure which.


  1. weird...i posted an awkward fight scene a while ago lol.

  2. I turned down the sound and watched it to the tune here. Blissful.

  3. this is BOTH the greatest AND the worst fight scene EVER.

  4. you just made me so nostalgic :(... fucking miss the 90's

  5. Muscular men covered in baby oil = great fight scene.
