Thursday, March 3, 2011

Cyber Vigalantes/Hacktivists: Good or Bad?

This is a question that seems to be going around the country lately. With Anonymous completely owning security firm HBGary by releasing all their private emails to the world, several illegal plots were discovered. These are discussed further in depth in the article.

Revealing this is definitely a benefit to the public good especially since these corporations provide services to the Federal Government. But in the end, does having groups of vigilantes with different agendas lead to a better world? I personally think its greater. Anything spreading information and encouraging transparency is a good thing.

Anyway, heres the article. Tell me what you think:

Should we cheer or fear cyber vigilantes like Anonymous?


  1. That is something I really don't know much about

  2. Good read, thanks for posting!

  3. I am both proud of said vigilantes and worried by them. Various governments, foundations and companies have on many (but not all) occasions failed to protect the public interest when it stood in contradiction withe their profits. It's great that there are guys who think about fixing it and have what it takes to do so, but every (almost every?) group that's protecting the world eventually becomes so self-centered that it only protects itself. And groups like Anonymous can be very vicious at that. The WBC affair indicates, that things may start getting ugly soon. Or not yet.

  4. There has to both to be a balance :)

  5. i have a feeling internet laws will become more strict in the future

  6. some of them are good, some of them are bad

  7. oh, the secretes of the underground world. :)

  8. don't fuck with internet and they will leave you alone

  9. Well... sometimes people take things into their own hands.

  10. I think it depends on the intentions and the people getting hacked. WBC is definitely one of those groups who need to be taken down.

  11. Anon is king =) followed!
