Sunday, April 3, 2011

Contradictions in the Bible (The Second Attempt)

Try this link, click download full size, and then view in it's entirety.

I realized that blogger has a size limit on images, and that this image is huge. I guess it is because of the massive number of contradictions in the Bible. I guess if you are a Christian, you can attribute this to the flaws of the humans that wrote it in interpreting the Divine Inspiration put upon them.

If you are anyone else, you can just take it as another reason to not dedicate your life to living in fear of not following the arcane rules of a god you aren't quite sure is real.

The picture is accredited to The Reason Project.

Also, try the original picture at


  1. nope, doesnt work - try splitting it into several imgs

  2. The only option it gives me is to download the large size, which is too small D:
    maybe upload it to mediafire? i dunno

  3. Weird, I just did it on my laptop to test it. Maybe it is because I'm using picassa that it works for me? The graphic is humongous because of the sheer amount of text. It is 1.82mb.

    Have you tried to zoom?

  4. yup, i tried zooming in and it just becomes a pixelated mess :( It probably lets you view the original because you own the flickr account, but i'm not positive

  5. Gah, sorry. I don't know what else to do.

  6. That picture is way too big, can't seeeeee. Which I think is the case point really XD

    So many.... It hurts my brain to even think about. I don't understand how people can just ignore all the contradictions and flaws in the bible. Irritates me.

  7. I can't read this. Sorry. But yes, the Bible is full of contradictions :/

  8. I don't believe in the bible... But I guess if that's what you choose to believe in, even with its contradictions, I can understand that.

  9. Can't read it, I was actually really interested in these contradictions. Upload it in seperate images.

  10. Too bad I can't read it, it definitely seemed like an interesting picture to check out.

  11. Seems like a lot of contradictions, however, I'm not surprised 1 tiny wee bit.

  12. Battling to read it too, although I know there's a website out there that points out all the contradictions in the bible I think it is called the cynics bible or something.

    Check out Lifehack's Guide to Homeless Markings!

  13. oh well its the thought that counts lol!!

  14. I got the PDF on project reason! It works and you can make it into a poster :D

  15. You can't use logic or rationality in an argument with a religious person. They don't want to hear.

  16. Epic. I'm going to show this to a few Christians now.
